That’s probably one question that can turn into a heated argument. If looked closely, one can find some instances that prove pharmacists share a fair bit of role in determining any patient's drug consumption. Their knowledge and ethics guide them to learn more about drugs and ultimately share the relevant information with the person on the opposite side. Ravi Morisetty has always been striving towards presenting people the real and accurate picture of druggists and how a world without them might look like! Having said that, forget the entire world; even a small town seems to be put in a terrible situation if pharmacies are extracted from it.
How often have you gone by the words of your pharmacist?
Numerous doctors and specialists in every field give their opinions and share advice to improve your health, yet a few words coming from your druggist’s mouth relaxes you and changes your habits for a better future. As Ravi Morisetty states, a pharmacist has a thorough knowledge of all the medicines kept inside the store and their manufacturing companies. Let’s put this forward; A person who knows your history, your hereditary issues, your current medications, your daily routine, and probably an insight into your future health. How can you not trust a person with his words who have got information of such relevance capable of putting you in a better situation? Next time your pharmacist tells you to avoid some activities and include some new ones, it would be better if you instantly start working on it!
Is it just the physician who carries the required knowledge?
There is no doubt that a doctor knows everything about the medicines he is prescribing to you, but it doesn’t mean that your pharmacist doesn’t know a thing. To your surprise, your druggist might have more information regarding certain drugs that physicians often ignore. Half of the time, physicians prescribe drugs without flooring the entire range of options available. The rest of the time, he doesn’t even share the thought process with his patients. This isn’t to undermine any specialist in the world but to show that some other people can help you with your medicines. With Ravi Morisetty taking charge of making people aware, one can think of a future where pharmacies are given more importance and show more gratitude for their work.
What are your thoughts on a pharmacist?
Different people seem to generate countless unique opinions regarding pharmacies around the world. Some at a higher level even think that pharmacies won’t be necessary for the drug distribution for Covid-19. Let’s start at the ground level; A level where you think of going to the physician but haven’t booked an appointment. What’s your second-best option for clearing out your doubts about your prescription? Do you need an appointment to meet the preferred person? Have you considered how easy and convenient it is to meet your ‘second worthy option’? The above questions seem to point in one direction only. A way that leads to a pharmacy! Ravi Morisetty implies that any pharmacist around you is a think-tanker of information regarding the shelves' medicines. A pool of alternatives regarding medicinal companies resides in him. He knows how to take care of the side effects that have been raised by way of medicinal intake in your body. And still, people think so low of these under-rated health workers.
The Proposed Future!
There is nothing that pharmacists require to feel great about themselves. They are governed by their ethics and work entire days standing and telling people how to regulate their prescribed intake. Ravi Morisetty, who focuses on creating a better world, demonstrates that the extraction of pharmacies from any nation's health department would be chaotic. Instead, giving them the appreciation, they deserve and the authorities they need, the world can expect a better tomorrow, especially when there is a pandemic floating right above the head.
Conclusively, there is more to a druggist than just medicine handling. The information that he possesses from experience holds every bit of potential to change your life.